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I'm Nadia Boersch, Entrepreneur, Brand & Marketing Strategist, International Speaker and Female Leadership Enthusiast.
Like many like-minded Entrepreneurs, I am multi-passionate, and I only work for and with companies that I am passionate about, because most of all I love delivering results with people who are eager to make a difference in this world, to reinvent their business and to reinvent themselves.
This Website is dedicated to all my passions, so all the things that I do, and to give an overview of what I do. If what you find resonates, please feel free to reach out and let me know how I can help you.

Horse Coaching
Horses are magical animals. They have a 6th sense and can read our conscious and subconscious. This is what makes them such powerful teachers: they mirror our thoughts, our blockages, our fears and give us direct, immediate, yet judgement-free feedback, in other words you get to practice the leader or the person you want to be. They feel what you feel and they show it. This is not a whoo-whoo experience, they provide powerful breakthroughs without failure. Every session and experience is different and will reveal something different.
These animals are often described as powerful, magic and majestic almost mystical creatures, they are both admired and respected. These characteristics we can copy and adapt to ourselves from them to have a more powerful presence, confidence and leadership style.
Female Empowerment
We need more (powerful) female leaders... Female managers, entrepreneurs, and politicians are struggling to achieve their highest potential and kick ass in what they do. Together with my amazing co-trainers the horses, I teach my methodology "Leadership by Presence"
Why horses? They mirror our leadership style, our confidence, and our energy and give immediate, judgment-free feedback. It is the only methodology that exists, where leaders can actually practice their impact as leaders in REAL LIFE by the immediate feedback they receive from the horses.
By supporting leaders in practicing their presence, natural authority and charisma, they automatically increase their leadership skills and thus their ability to impact and (positively) impact masses.

Business Coaching
Over the years I learned that growing a successful business with 5 figure months is about making money with what my sets my heart on fire, working with soul-aligned clients only that get me excited and putting strategies in place that feel good for me and last but certainly not least understanding the energetics of business and attracting clients.
I absolutely love supporting other coaches, especially women, in building their soul-aligned business, and that includes above all attracting soul-aligned clients.
Creating strategies and a business model for them that feels right to them, so they can step into their power and do what they do best.
That is why I work with people individually on their business in a 2-month set-up, or in my signature sales programme - the client attraction programme.

International Speaker
Stage time is shine time. In my Keynotes and Workshops I seek to inspire business owners and managers of all levels alike. My most popular Keynotes are “the new era of female leadership - leading with presence & confidence” and “how to treat your brand like the hottest love affair you ever had”
Want to see me live?
Check out my Social Media Channels to know where I will be next. If you were interested to book me as a speaker, please check out the below.
Brand & Marketing Consulting
I get excited when I get “unsolvable” Marketing & Branding challenges and have the opportunity to turn them into new business models, creative innovative route-to-market strategies, or develop unique customer journeys.
At Brandalytical, we look at every angle to make sure your business communicates to your customer in the most efficient, direct, and most emotional way possible, so your company is on growth track and your customers fall in love with your brand and buy over and over again.
Because our main focus is on the work with the horses, we only take on limited clients for strategic marketing and branding projects. Feel free to reach out via Email below and see if we are a fit.

Breeder of Arabian Horses
With all the passion I have for horses, and all the education I did to understand horses and the way they communicate on a deep level, it no surprise that I started my own breeding program NB Arabians. At NB Arabians we are breeding Arabian horses in the exotic black color.
I am extremely proud of the first horse that I bred, Shayan de Magnifique that has brought home many champion titles at very high-level European shows.
Nadia Boersch TV
Nadia Boersch TV

Client Story: Horse Coaching (Setting Boundaries) – Leadership for CEOs

Client Story: Horse coaching - Enlightening Experiences for Allison Stockton

Client Story: Leadership & Boundary Setting (Horse Coaching) – Moving Horses with your thoughts

Client Story: Speaking Coaching with Horses – Everything is Energy

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Get in touch here and my team will get back to you!